Thursday, August 29, 2013

File Sharing

People interpret file sharing differently, but there is something that doesn’t change no matter in what side of the fence you are. It is always about money.
Opposing views in the industry about file sharing is mainly between software developers and the controversy about open source vs. proprietary software or established artists that already make their millions and they want more, and new emerging artists that just want to get there, and don´t have the opportunity of working with a big industry label such as Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group or EMI.

For example when you graduate from University and you start applying for jobs is really common to find something that say “3-4 year experience”. So yes they don´t hire you because you don´t have the experience, but how you can you get that experience if you don´t get the job? Good question, maybe working as a volunteer? Maybe as a placement or internship were they will not pay you?

Something similar happen with new bands, they want people to listen to their music and without a label that can produce their CD´S they just record their songs in a local studio or maybe their own garage, with their own money for later uploading it on the net for file sharing, YouTube, social networking, going viral with their own production for people to listen for free. They don´t get the money but they get the experience, people will listen to them and their music can get to any part of the world easily.

File-sharing isn’t something that can just be stopped, even if the big labels do something to shut down file sharing and p2p, there is always a way to go around it. Before p2p and when email had reduced space, people use virtual drive accounts like x-drive, upload music and give the username and password for people to login and download, other ways was sending mp3 thru messenger, or creating your own FTP server with www file sharing pro, using email when the space was a little more generous, and many other ways.

Because of this, big record and producer labels should adapt to the new way of distribution and start using it as the new bands, just like marketing. You can always make millions with merchandising, concerts, tours and of course with the fans that will always buy a collection CD.  Another way to adapt could be, creating a new way of music recording sales certification maybe a “Shared Music certification” , what band have more likes or downloads?

Can you imagine how many good bands didn’t make it all the way just because nobody knows about them? Nobody listen to them because files haring, internet, mp3 didn’t exist?


Martin, B, Moore, C & Salter, C, 2010, 'Sharing music files: tactics of a challenge to the industry', First Monday, vol. 15, no. 12.


  1. Hi Sergio,
    Your blog has some great arguments about file sharing. I agree that everything really does come down to money. You have used a a really good relevant example talking about university and applying for jobs. It is good to see that you have incorporated the unit reading, with relevant supporting arguments.
    Perhaps next time to improve your blog you could use more images.
    Thank you for a great read and I can't wait to read more

  2. Hi Sergio,

    This blog post has a good example about file sharing and how to gain experience and recognition; artists need to put their music out freely. Your right the music industry is all about money but to gain money artists need to first gain public interest.

    To improve I would work a bit on structure. Follow the pattern of concept, definition, example and discussion. You have all the relevant ideas the post just does not flow very clearly. You also included the article in your reference list but it is not actually used within the post. Relating your ideas back to the article demonstrates that you have clearly used the readings available. Finally some easy fixes would be to re-read and add several links and improve spelling mistakes and punctuation.

    You have a really good idea and it is clear you know a lot about this topic just some structural improvements will help your post.
