Sunday, September 15, 2013


What is exactly Überveillance? The definition is an omnipresent electronic surveillance facilitated by technology that makes it possible to embed surveillance devices in the human body. The question is, is this far from reality or is just science fiction?

To begin with, let’s explain something that already exist and is called the Radio-frequency identification RFID chip. Is the wireless non-contact use of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects.

The RFID is already being used for various purposes like: Access management, Tracking of goods, Tracking of persons and animals, Toll collection(e-tag) and, contactless payment(pay wave, pay pass) , Machine readable travel documents, Smartdust (for massively distributed sensor networks), Tracking sports memorabilia to verify authenticity, Airport baggage tracking logistics. With this, people is already being traced and located making Überveillance real.

This is an extract of the documentary zeitgeist talking about the RFID chip and the fist family that had the RFID chip implant.

With this you can tell someone somewhere is trying to lock everyone in a monitored control grid were every single action is documented and were people will not be forced to get the implant but people will demand for it or used it in other ways like e-tag or passports.

Science fiction… could be, to be real? Is not too far. The question might change and will be who will be behind all this? 

M.G. Michael and K. Michael (2009). "Uberveillance: Definition" in ed. S. Butler, Fifth Edition of the Macquarie Dictionary (Australia's National Dictionary, Sydney University), p. 1094


  1. The RFID is interesting and your post is informative especially for readers like me who know nothing about the chip. However I felt that your blog is more a summary of the RFID technology rather than a critical engagement with the content of week 5. I felt that you were skirting the argument rather than engaging critically with it with both the pros and cons of this technology. You clearly stated a negative attitude towards surveillance but your definitive comment about 'someone trying to lock everyone in a monitored control grid' was not backed up by a strong argument. An interesting example and the introduction clearly told the reader where the blog was going perhaps you could have more explicitly stated the definition of uberveillance. Your use of images and video was engaging, you could have used links to information pages about the RFID chip.

  2. Hi Sergio,
    I liked the way that you started with a definition and then outlined basically what you were going to talk about. I also enjoyed reading about your example of the chip as I had never heard of it so it was interesting to learn about it. Good use of pictures to show and videos to show what you were talking about. I also liked the way you finished with a question to think about. One thing you could have done was link the reading in a little bit more just so that your example could support that.

  3. Hey Sergio,

    I like the way you structured you blog post almost like a mini essay. You raise some very interesting and valid points, particularly about the RFID chip implants. You used this example in a way that help develop your argument and blog post. You also broke up the essay with the photos and the youtube video which is always nice, rather then reading a slab of writing.

    Nice post Sergio!

  4. I found your points on the RFID chip really interesting, particularly because I personally didn't know all that much about it. I feel this post is more your personal feelings about the chip, rather than uberveillance as a whole. I understand where you were trying to go with this, I feel its just missing maybe an extra paragraph with another example from the reading, I feel that would really tie it all up nicely. But still really good work.

  5. Hi Sergio

    This blog post was structured quite well and as a result came across very easy to read, but perhaps that was partially because it was on the short side. On top of the many photos and a video it was broken up in a very inviting and interactive manner. I cannot claim to much about the RFID chip either like many other other commenters, but for that reason I found what you had to say quite interesting. I did feel it may have needed a bit more academic engagement however, but otherwise nice post.

  6. Hi Sergio,
    I really appreciate the layout of your post and when I say appreciate I mean I appreciate how at the beginning you clearly outline what Uberveillance means, making it easy to read.
    It wasn't necessarily long, but that's okay, because you made it short and sweet. You had a teriffic example when you go on and discuss 'RFID chip', making it really interesting to a reader, many of whom would have had little prior knowledge.

    You have hit the nail on the head with all the pictures and videos, I like that a lot, but to take it that step further the introduction of a further paragraph from text would fit nicely.

    Well done!
